Saturday, June 28, 2008

O's fans agree

Sitting next to a couple of O's fans last night, and one of them went to get a beer in about the 3rd inning. He was gone for more than an inning, before returning with his beer. He then remarked how they had at least figured out how to serve customers at RFK. Another visiting fan joins the I miss RFK bandwagon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was at the same game on Friday and I had no problems getting my beer and food quickly. I was impressed how smoothly the concessions worked since the crowd was so large. RFK is cursed with the bad karma of Bob Short. Yes, there was such a winning baseball tradition in RFK as well. Yeah, right. I look forward to the day when there is a big hole in the ground where RFK use to stand. They should build Section 8 Housing in its place. The only thing I miss about RFK is the fantastic bucker drummers who performed by the DC Armory Metro. What you should be upset about is how the Baltimore fans were louder and more vocal than Nats fans. Sure, the Nats stink but they are our team.