Friday, May 30, 2008

I Miss Barry

The Nats beat writer, not the mayor.

Mail Bag

Sorry it's been awhile, we've been busy with our day jobs of maintaining the unofficial Joan Jett online fanzine. And no, it's not another blog. IT'S A FANZINE.

Well, our fanbase continues to expand as fast as Meat Hook's waist. Just today we received this pleasant note:

Wah, I want my nachos said...

I love the editorial "we"; don't lose it.

I, too, miss RFK. But I miss "anonymous" more. . .

We couldn't agree more. Anonymous...come back.

Now on to business. Went to the Sunday game last weekend against the Brewers. 33K+ in soon to be named Gaylord Nationals Park. Given the time of the game, I had already eaten so I can't bellyache about the food lines, which according to a friend sitting in 405 we as abysmal as usual. But those tepid hot dogs are so damned tasty after a 25 minute wait.

I CAN however bitch about the lines and service at the Base Line Brews behind 139. Partial to the oddly served (Leinenkugel? Really? You can't just re-brand Dominion like everyone else?) but nonetheless tasty Home Run Ale, I endured a 15 minute wait. Granted, it was my choice...I could have stayed in my seats and downed a Miller Lite like a normal person, but then I couldn't regale my audience with stories of inconvenience AND I would eventually have to vomit my soul for putting that crap in my system. Now, if they would only serve High Life dammit.

The next game on the plan is a weekday against the Cards so I doubt we'll have too many gripes. Weeknight games against teams from small markets aren't usually big draws, but who knows? It is intern season.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Worst. Blog. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Worst. Blog. Ever.

Thanks. What an achievement! Worse than Michelle Malkin even?

Anonymous, your courage inspires us! We were going to give up on this as the dwindling fan base has made getting the chili nachos from Hard Times a breeze lately...but your astute comments encourage us to trudge on!

Thank you, thank you. A million times...THANK YOU!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

No more fireworks during the Anthem

OK, so this was problem at RFK too, but it has gotten worse. From my section out in 142, it feels like I have been hit with a concussion grenade. The explosions during the National Anthem resonate, and destroy any fine performances I might otherwise enjoy.
I can live with the rockets red glare, but give me a break on the bombs bursting. It takes what is sometimes a nice rendition, and ruins it. I get especially annoyed when this happens on special days, where the Anthem is meant to honor those that lost their lives. The explosions damage the experience, as the Nats take a moment of honor and try to spice it up.
Even Orioles fans had the good sense not to yell "O" during a few special moments.(Post 9/11 or the All-Star game)
So stop the explosions during the Anthem. This is a change that needs to happen everywhere, but let's stop it in DC first. Let's not cheapen the National Anthem with explosions.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Great Blackout of Aught Eight

So I was ready to shut this down by the third inning. After reading Boswell this morning and seeing that there was at least some public recognition of the things that have been bothering those of us less enamored with soon to be Gaylord Nationals Park. After finally being able to walk up to a Nats Dogs and get a half smoke without waiting for twenty minutes. After finding a Home Run Ale somewhere other than the Red Porch, I was feeling it. My two kids were having fun. Lannan had yet to implode. The blog was going to be deleted when I got home.

And then...

...half the lights go out. It's too dark to play. I'm hanging out near the back of 104 and one of the ushers I remember from Section 209 at RFK comes over and says hi during the over 30 minute "intermission" which was a BLAST for my daughters of six and nine.

"Remember this ever happening at RFK?" I ask. "Nope," he says grinning. "We uh, got a few more things to iron out over here."

I'll say.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Anonymous said...

"Hey, sneak back into RFK and wallow amongst the rats and the standing water. Or just move back to wherever you're from. RFK sucked even during the last days of the Redskins."

I admit that RFK was lacking in cleanliness but I think that was due to management not really giving a crap about the place because they knew they were short timers there. And I disagree about the 'Skins and RFK. In my close to 40 years in DC, seeing a quality 'Skins game at RFK was and probably will always be the best DC sports experience. Fed Ex (or Giants Stadium South) is a lousy, corporate stadium.

Listen, I want the new Park to succeed. I don't want to go back to RFK. But with the time and the amount of money put in to the Park by the city, the Lerners and the fans who pay more for everything, not being able to get a freaking hot dog (some people like to eat at games) is a joke.

The new food vendors are making the same mistakes Aramark made at RFK three years ago and that is unacceptable.