Friday, May 30, 2008

I Miss Barry

The Nats beat writer, not the mayor.


Anonymous said...

I love this blog!

I'm a Mets fan living in NYC. But wait! Also a former DC resident and Redskins fan.

I fear I will miss RFK, too.

I've had the pleasure to attend almost every Met game at RFK 2005-2007, through the grace and generosity of my DeeCee pals.

Haven't made it to New Jarry Park South yet (damn weekday-only Mets games) but I'm holding ducats for all three games in mid-August.

Yeah, RFK was a shithole, but it was a perfectly good shithole, and I've been to a ton of games at precious Fenway and Y****e St****m and guess what? They're also shitholes except much more expensive and much more obnoxious fans.

RFK was cheap and concessions were a breeze, once they ironed out the kinks.

My friend who recommends your blog contributes to the WaPo blog about the new park, and I'm dreading it almost as much as losing my beloved Shea for that nightmare of a yuppie corporate spaceship looming ominously just beyond my trusty home run apple. On my salary I just know I'm not gonna be able to sniff that place for the first three years.

I miss Shea already.

Joe Webster said...

Thanks for the post. I can only imagine the douche factor of Shea 2.0 is going to be exponentially worse than soon to be Gaylord Nationals Park. At least we aren't forced to watch an overpaid bunch of underachievers play .500 ball. We knew going in that the Nats were going to suck.

If you can make it down, keep in mind that there are $5 day of game tix which aren't horrible. Those seats were pretty full for the one Mets game I went to this year though.

Scoreboard Scotty said...

We knew going in that the Nats were going to suck.

But who imagined this kinda suckage?

I am coming to accept S-T-B-N-GNP, but still miss RFK. I don't really go to any single baseball game as "the event"; it's more like a series of delightful urination stops on the New Jersey Turnpike of life. If I leave after eight innings, I just missed one of thousands if innings I'll see in my lifetime. Our decision to chalk up a Curly W or an L for that event is mildly interesting, but doesn't consume me. When the playoffs actually arrive, they're fun and exciting, but still just more fun [and loud] innings in a lifetime of countless innings.

With that fucked-up philosophy, I miss RFK tremendously. Being able to roll in an catch a game in the shade, for $5 or $10 bucks, with none of the corporate trappings or Screech-fests or scoreboard antics was perfectly suited to my baseball needs.

I probably would have worn a pince-nez well, too . . . .

Anonymous said...

At least we aren't forced to watch an overpaid bunch of underachievers play .500 ball.

Easy, big fella. The near-firing of St. Willie of Flatbush may have snapped them out of it. Seven out of their last nine and did you hear about Petey?

He's ba - a - ack..........

Joe Webster said...

Phillies still win the division. Again. ;)