Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dear Stan

I'd like to talk revenue. My 10 year old daughter - who has been to over 30 Nats games, many at beloved RFK but lots at Nats Park - now wants to know why she's never been to a Caps game because, and I quote, "they win their games." I explained economics and that I prefer baseball to hockey. But I lost. And you are losing a generation of fans. Just an FYI.


El Rey said...

Your daughter is smart. The Nats are an embarrassment and the Redskins dysfunctional. The Caps are heading in the right direction. Once your daughter sees a hockey game in person, she will be hooked. Nats Town is a Ghost Town!

Joe Webster said...

Yeah, I need to get her to one...just not a playoff game.

DMan said...

Ask and you shall receive. First Dman, now El Ray has crawled out of the woodwork and back into the Natosphere! Another "stellar" bull pen performance last night!! The sad thing is I really like a lot of these guys, but they are just not getting the job done.