Thursday, August 14, 2008

Worst Game Ever

I have never left a game so quickly. It was embarrassing. I didn't even get a chance to see how long the food lines were. Beer lines were short prior to the game though. :)

Oh, and the fireworks during the National Anthem have to stop. They scared my date so much that she jumped. Funny? Yes. But seriously, stop the explosions during the Anthem.


Anonymous said...

Hey, the fireworks during the National Anthem are the only exciting thing happening at Nats Stadium these days. It's not like there are any fireworks on the field since the Nats are so horrible. I have tickets for Friday and the only reason I'm going is because they are Club Level seats. I can sit in one of the Club Level bars and watch the Olympics if things get too bad on the field. Once regular season football starts, attendance will plummet to the teens. It was a mistake to bring baseball back to D.C.. I feel sorry for people who waited years for baseball's return only to rewarded with a rinky dink team and an incompetent management group. I'm glad to see a new blog on this site. Keep it up I miss RFK guys!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Gwitch, the explosions during "the bombs bursting in air" are standard operating procedure at nearly every professional outdoor sporting event in America. They did it at RFK from Nats day 1, but that lovely wrap-around overhanging roof greatly deadened the sound. Also, because you saw the centerfield fireworks go off at RFK, you knew the sound was coming - something which cannot be done at the supposedly superior new stadium. El Ray is right about the excitement. The politico/business class isn't there to watch the games and the stadium is noticibly dead. I'm glad the Mets are in town because at least there are some real fans in the stadium actually cheering for their team for a change. The real mistake is not baseball in DC, but awarding the team to the Lerners instead of the Collins group. Its typical - the person almost single-handedly responsible for laying the groundwork to get a team back here was completely shut out. But I must ding El Rey for seeming to have have fallen victem to the "Washington is a bad baseball town" myth. No town supports a perenial loser of a baseball team better than Washington. And for all that blather we are hearing from Baltimore about attendance at STBNGNP - take a look at their attendance. 5000 less per game with a team that really looks like it has made real progress - unlike the joke we are are watching now. We deserve a lot better than we got.

Joe Webster said...

Is it football season yet?

Anonymous said...

D-Man -The stadium is dead because there is nothing to cheer about. At least at RFK there was a perception that things would get better. We know better now. The business and politico class would be cheering if there was a quality product on the field. The only thing that screams quality with the Nats is Ben's "All the Way" Half Smokes.