Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The morning after pill

Boswell seems sorta kinda optimistic...but he's a pro, not a snarky basement-dwelling blogger. I like the idea of Lastings "Ocho Cinco, Jr." Milledge being sent down (or traded). There's something to be said about the offensive output. Heck, if you'd told me last October we'd be hanging 9 runs on the Phils in April I'd have been happy. But WTF with the pitching?

Back to the park. It didn't smell; the Phillies fans were tolerable. As for food and beer, I gave up after grabbing a beer from the Miller bar under the scoreboard right at the start of the game. Gwitch Rules headed up for a soda in the 4th and gave up after 20 minutes. Understanding that this is a new vendor, you knew it was going to be awful again and that it will take them until June to work out the kinks. The team will be so lousy by then that the average 15K crowd will make the vending experience a breeze.

I have no plans to go to a game until next week so feel free to send along your experiences.


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