Saturday, February 7, 2009

Nats Town

By now I imagine many out there have seen this...the new marketing pitch from our friends on Half St. It fails on a couple levels. First, it's indicative of both Red Sox Nation and Wrigleyville which shows an utter lack of creativity. I guess they're trying to grow their marketing department internally instead of going out and hiring free agents. Secondly, it rips off the Caps, currently the only successful sports team in town. And I mean that, Hoyas. And finally, what $40 hr. designer did they find on craigslist to do this? It breaks so many fundamental design and typography rules, it hurts my eyes.

I think the last time DC had something this sad was when the Bonus Army set up Hooverville.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look. If you are so smart, why don't you offer some constructive criticism instead of just bellyaching?