Monday, September 29, 2008

'Till next season.


mister muleboy said...

I will not be attending Nats games at RFK.

I will also not be attending Nats games at Nationals Park.

I think the Plan is working

Anonymous said...

J and Gwitch Rules,

I enjoyed your blog. Best of luck to you. The Nats are a disgrace from head to toe. Thank God the Redskins appear to have been reborn under Jim Zorn (Gibbs 2 was a huge mistake) and the Capitals should have a good season.

Joe Webster said...

el ray,

Thanks for the sentiment. Wish I'd had more to write about in September but it was such an abominable failure on every level that I just didn't have it in me. I'll let the Gwitch-ster weigh in on his final game if he wants to, but apparently the odor of raw sewage coming in off the ole North Branch was overwhelming and thus, a perfect end to the season.

God bless us, everyone...Jim Zorn twice.

Gwitch Rules said...

Oh the stench. It was something I had been worried about during the hot nights in August, but I hadn't smelt a thing. Except the stench from the Nats play on the field. On the 23rd of September, I used my trade in tickets and we slid down to the front row by the ball girl on the first base side. I would say about once per half inning the sewage smell that wafted past us was almost enough to make us leave. But the Nats were winning, and it was my final game of the season, so we stuck it out. Not sure if that was normal in that area of the park. I never smelt the river in RF or by 3rd base. Anyone else have their olfactory system assaulted? It made me long for the stale beer smell of RFK.
On a better note, the Nats park definitely improved as the season drug on. Maybe it was fewer fans in the seats, or maybe they just figured out how to manage the crowds. Either way, it was improved. We can only hope that next year shows the same level of improvement, and this time, on the field.

Anonymous said...

All that glitters is not gold. Loved your blog. I am glad we had a forum for us politically incorrect thinkers who don't much care for the new place. I've been to some 20 games at the new park now and can honestly say I dislike it more with each visit. To me, it has absolutely no character or charm. It is rather the opposite - cold, stark, and univiting. Maybe it will warm up and age into a lovelable dump, like RFK. DC never really put adeqaute maintenance into RFK, so what makes anyone think Nats Park will fare any better? Especially when the primary tenant is not paying their rent. At least the dimensions of the field are acceptable - it is no band box.

Our tickets are on the uppoer level - the fan experience up there certainly did not improve as the season wore on. Progressively fewer concession stands were open up there as the season wore down. I never really noticed the lovely Eau De Anacostia in the park, but it always hit me in the face walking towards DDOT almost every evening. Here's hoping for a better 2009, at least one where the baseball stinks less than the river! Long Live RFK!

Gwitch Rules said...

OK, so I found out something horrifying pleasing at the same time. That smell was not the river. Evidently it was dead cats that were(are) in the stadium, but they cannot locate. I think it might be rats more than cats, but the story told to me was cats.
Here's hoping they get the carcasses out before spring.

On a brighter note, the Verizon Center has been jumping for Caps games, aside from last night, which was eerily quiet as the Caps played with a big lead.