Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Calling all math geeks

There must be a formula we can come up with which factors the attendance at soon to be Gaylord Nationals Park with the wait time at the Nats Dogs behind section 143. Obviously we have to allot for which inning or pre-game timing etc. Being a math-o-phobe, I'm just not the right person to do it.


Anonymous said...

You are a moron. RFK was awful!

Gen. Buck Turgidson said...

RFK may have been awful, but it was (a) By God Cheap; and
(b) nearly fifty years old.

A brand new stadium with two years of planning for the modern fan experience shouldn't be the mismaneged shithole that resides on S. Capitol St.

As for the Nats Dog behind section 143 -- from what I read on Grounds Crew, the wait throughout the stadium is painful, and doesn't seem to change.

Does Stan read ANYTHING anymore?

Anonymous said...

Hey, sneak back into RFK and wallow amongst the rats and the standing water. Or just move back to wherever you're from. RFK sucked even during the last days of the Redskins. My seats at the new park are $5 more expensive than they were at RFK, and about 30 rows closer. I've been to four games, and never had a problem getting food. But, you know what, I don't go to a game to eat. I go to watch baseball, imagine that, which we hadn't been able to do for about 30 years! And one of the best aspects of the new stadium is that, even if you're one of the Nerds Journal idiots who really just walk around the stadium to find something to complain about that they can immediately then post on the Internet, like Comic Book Guy of the Simpsons, is that you can actually see the field from the concourse, which, if you've ever been to other basball stadiums, is unusual, innovative and cool.

Really, you think Stan Kasten has nothing better to do than read what every whining pipsqueak blogger has to say?

Anonymous said...

Really, you think Stan Kasten has nothing better to do than read what every whining pipsqueak blogger has to say?

Why NO.

I'm sure he's too busy reading the Comments section for apologist bullshit from guys like you, douchenozzle.

I go to a ballgame to watch the game too. During my three-plus hours there, I talk, I drink, I eat, I piss, and

I shit down the necks of gasbags who "love" the new "innovative" stadium and can't see the VALID criticism that it's a mismanaged joint with huge problems.

You'll be watching farm-team rejects if they don't attract TRUEBLUE, REAL baseball fans like you, and if they don't get them to spend a shitload of money on concessions.

I'll tear your head off an stuff Nick Johnson's pin-riddled leg down it, you scumsucking Redskins fan you.

Anonymous said...


this is kinda fun

Anonymous said...

Er, methinks General Turgidson has been moonlighting as Anonymous at 7:40am.


Joe Webster said...


Not sure...but I have added douchenozzle to my vocabulary.